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This course is designed for novice Blueworks Live business users, and it focuses on two main topics. First, you learn the core modeling skills and methods that improve the speed and quality of defining processes with BPMN In this introductory course, you learn how to do process discovery, create process models, and capture process documentation with IBM Blueworks Live. Blueworks Live provides simple-to-understand … IBM Blueworks Live Help IBM Blueworks Live Process Diagramming Tips & Tricks - YouTube. IBM Blueworks Live Process Diagramming Tips & Tricks. Watch later. Share. Copy link.
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Blueworks Live provides simple-to-understand … IBM Blueworks Live Help IBM Blueworks Live Process Diagramming Tips & Tricks - YouTube. IBM Blueworks Live Process Diagramming Tips & Tricks. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info.
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Blueworks Live editors can attach up to 3 boundary events to an activity within their process diagrams. Blueworks Live editors can add descriptive text to their process diagrams using text annotations. Viewers can now access the playback tool to view playbacks for published processes. Up to 10 playbacks can be created for a process.
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Estimated time to complete this tutorial: 10 minutes. For a virtual session with geographically dislocated teams, the same ideas can be mapped in Blueworks Live, as shown in Figure 3. To create an affinity map in Blueworks Live, click the Blueprint a Process option, which creates a process diagram. Blueworks live, at its simplest level, provides a drawing canvas in which two different but related styles of process diagram can be drawn.
The “Process Diagram” contains lower-level swim lane textual documentation of how the process is supposed to run. __ b. On the left hand side is the Process Outline, which is a bulleted list of your process. It is designed for users w Learn more at https://ibm.co/2zIpwkAThis is a recorded demonstration from one of our IBM Blueworks Live Meet the Experts sessions.
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This course is designed for novice Blueworks Live business users, and it focuses on two main topics.
Much of it is borrowed from Gartner, with some portions edited and cleaned up. IBM is enhancing the intelligence of its Smarter Process products through the use of complementary Watson technologies, resulting in what it calls Cognitive Business Operations. It
Blueworks Live is BPMN 2.0 compatible and can be leveraged as a starting point to embark on a "Business Process (Re-)Engineering or Modeling" program within an organization. It is quite easy to get started, offered as Software as a Service and is priced per user.
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Process Discovery and Modeling in IBM Blueworks Live
The missing diagram information is automatically generated and the data properties are … IBM Blueworks Live is a business process modeller, belonging under the set of IBM SmartCloud applications.
The first is called a "Discovery Map". Discovery Map. A Discovery Map contains a set of "Milestones" that are reached during the execution of a process. In this diagram: You can position Activity B above or below Activity A because a line directly connects A toB. You can position Activity C above or below Activity B because a line directly connects B toC. You cannot position Activity C above or below Activity A because no line directly connects A toC. If you drag Activity B below Activity A, you Blueworks Live.
In this tutorial, learn how to create a Discovery Map in IBM Blueworks Live and turn it into a process diagram. Discovery Mapping is a quick and easy way to capture the steps in a process. Blueworks Live 100: Creating Your First Discovery Map in IBM Blueworks Live - IBM MediaCenter Capturing processes & decisions. Blueworks Live provides various tools for companies to capture business processes & decisions, using a collaborative approach to discovering those processes with maximum accuracy. There are three different views for process data, the Discovery Map, Process Diagram, and Documentation. Exceptionally easy-to-use and highly collaborative, IBM Blueworks Live supports subject matter experts and business analysts working together to capture and refine processes. Once documented in IBM Blueworks Live, the company practices are available for all employees to review.