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Systematic Evaluation of Pleiotropy Identifies 6 Further Loci
It would be a mistake to attribute all beneficial outcomes obtained from statins solely to … plei·o·trop·ic. ( plī'ō-trop'ik ), Denoting, or characterized by, pleiotropy. Synonym (s): polyphenic. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012. 2021-03-29 Pleiotropy definition, the phenomenon of one gene being responsible for or affecting more than one phenotypic characteristic. See more.
of or pertaining to pleiotropy. Pleiotropic Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say pleiotrop What is the definition of pleiotropic? What is the meaning of pleiotropic? How do you use pleiotropic in a sentence?
pleiotropic effects - Swedish translation – Linguee
TF Hansen. Biosystems 69 Measurement and meaning in biology. D Houle, C Pélabon, GP av HJ Sivertsen · 2014 — dominant meaning that both the heterozygous and homozygous dogs show the merle color phenotype.
Pleiotropi - Pleiotropy -
Ord. Genetisk pleiotropi.
[Steven] Tanksley suggests there's substantial evidence that at least
Pleiotropism is a central term in developmental genetics. In pleiotropism, a single gene affects a number of phenotypic traits in the same organism. These pleiotropic …
plei·ot·ro·py (plī-ŏt′rə-pē) also plei·ot·ro·pism (-pĭz′əm) n. Biology The production of diverse effects, especially the production by a single gene of several distinct and seemingly unrelated phenotypic effects. [Greek pleiōn, more; see pelə- in Indo-European roots + -tropism.] plei′o·tro′pic (plī′ə-trō′pĭk, -trŏp′ĭk
the production by a single gene of multiple phenotypic effects. The term is often used to refer to a single gene defect that is expressed as problems in multiple systems of the body, such as in osteogenesis imperfecta, where the gene causes defects in several different systems that contain collagen.
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8 Feb 2021 Mutation in a pleiotropic gene may have an effect on several traits simultaneously He originally defined pleiotropy as occurring when "several 23 Jul 2019 Pleiotropic genes are those in which variation can cause observable change in two or more body systems that may often appear unrelated at Définition. pléiotropie , nom féminin. Sens 1. Biologie · Qualité d'un gène ou d' une protéine ayant la capacité de gouverner plusieurs caractères et de déterminer In the simplest terms pleiotropy means genetic side-effects: a pleiotropic gene is a gene that does several things and a pleiotropic variant is a Genetic Pleiotropy.
Pleitropy was first noticed by geneticist Gregor Mendel, who is known for his famous studies with pea plants. By definition, pleiotropy is a situation in which one gene controls for the expression of multiple phenotypic traits. These traits don’t have to be clearly linked, i.e., eye shape and eye color, but can instead be completely unrelated. the phenomenon of one gene being responsible for or affecting more than one phenotypic characteristic.
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PDF Pleiotropic effects of niacin: Current possibilities for its
The term was formally introduced into the literature by the German geneticist Ludwig Plate in 1910, 100 years ago. Pleiotropy has had an important influence on the fields of physiological and medical genetics as well as on evolutionary biology. Different approaches to the study of 2016-09-01 · The pleiotropic effects of the statins improve vascular relaxation, promote new vessel formation, inhibit platelet aggregation and reducing vascular inflammation.
Type 1 Interferons Promote a Diabetogenic Microenvironment
Pleiotropic definition is - producing more than one effect; especially : having multiple phenotypic expressions. How to use pleiotropic in a sentence. Pleiotropic definition, responsible for or affecting more than one phenotypic characteristic: Scientists are trying to determine if the various effects of pleiotropic genes are sensitive in different ways to different environmental influences. See more. 2019-07-11 Definition of pleiotropy.
It may include adverse effects which are detrimental ones, but is often used to denote additional beneficial effects.. For example, statins are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors that primarily act by decreasing cholesterol synthesis, but which are believed to have other Video shows what pleiotropic means. of or pertaining to pleiotropy. Pleiotropic Meaning.