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NY. av K Svensson · 2020 — enizer, a lemmatizer, a part of speech (POS) tagger, and a named entity recognition (NER) them by the topic model, and then insert the resulting topic metadata of those articles back movie, quot, director, actor, campaign. av A Tengelin · 2011 — 10 Smith, Gene (2008), Tagging: people powered metadata for the social web, ”film” istället för termen ”movie” som redan finns inlagd som tagg i folksonomin. andre Pins på Tim Burton Stuff! av Nicole Hodnett. Tagger.

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Here is an example: Movie meta tagger

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Movie meta tagger

Its interface is simple, it consists of a single window. MetaDoctor app is an MP4 tag editor Mac application that enables you to update unlimited metadata information about the video and audio files. This program supports mainly 3 video formats for editing tags. This app mainly works with the iTunes and iMovie programs.

Movie meta tagger

MetaX is a user-friendly tagging solution. MeD's Movie Manager is a simple to use, yet customizable, movie manager.
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Movie meta tagger

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Metatogger is a tag editor for Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, M4A (AAC and ALAC) and WMA audio files. FilmTag automatically find the movie matching your movie file and complete its meta data meta tagging movies, movie artwork covers tagger, movie meta tag itunes, itunes auto tagger, meta tag for itunes movies windows MusicBrainz is operated by the MetaBrainz Foundation, a California based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit corporation dedicated to keeping MusicBrainz free and open source. MetatOGGer is a free MP3 tag editor that's easier to use than to say, at least in English. It automatically tags your MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV, WMA, and other audio files by analyzing each song Qoobar is a simple tagger which is designed for editing tags in files of classical music.
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A tag is a metadata, i.e. data about data. A tag provides additional information related to the audio data itself: the author of the lyrics, the composer of the music, the The tagger can tag pages with a few clicks (which is much faster than editing the whole page per hand). Per default it is able to tag pages for speedy deletion using {{}}, but it can be customized to use up to every template.If you found a bug in this script or if you have a feature request please leave it here or ping me on IRC (hoo). EZ Meta Tag Editor Audio file manager, easy-to-use metadata editor with Windows File Explorer style user interface Metadata editor for audio files.

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It supports batch tag-editing of ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, iTunes MP4, WMA, Vorbis Comments and APE Tags for multiple files at once covering a variety of audio formats. Meta Tagger is a Shopify App giving you and your SEO team a time saving system to manage your SEO. With millions of e-commerce shops all competing for your customers, you cannot avoid optimizing your site so that it will be found when people are searching for the products you sell. De meta taggar som oftast nämns i SEO-sammanhang är ; meta keywords och meta description.Det enda som är relevant när det gäller internetmarknadsföring är meta description och då i CTR (Click Trough Rate) syfte, och inte på själva rankningen på Google. MetaBliss is a new ID3 tag editor for Mac OS X. It will help you clean up your meta-data. With MetaBliss, you can quickly edit Artist, Song Name, Comments and all other tags.

2015-06-13 A quick overview that shows how you can easily tag your MP4, M4V or MOV files so that they look perfect in iTunes, FrontRow, the Apple TV or other media players A quick video to explain what meta-tagger App is for. MP3Tag. Supports variety of formats.