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Manager-in Charge Persons appointed by LC (either alone or with others) to have principal reponsibility for a Core Can be an employee or non-employee/ based in HK or overseas Specifically, Manager-in-Charge or MIC is the "new title" accorded to individuals who are appointed by an LC to be In practice the introduction of the MIC Regime represents a significant regulatory shift, in which the SFC aims to enhance accountability of senior management of LCs in Hong Kong. Given the complexity of the issues involved and the tight implementation timeframe, financial services firms are set to face challenges in meeting the new regulatory requirements under the MIC Regime. 2016-12-19 · What functions require a manager in charge? MICs are individuals appointed by a licensed corporation to be principally responsible, alone or with others, for managing any of eight new Core Functions. These encompass both front office and mid/back office roles, and there must be at least one MIC per Core Function.

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The Manager-in-Charge (“MIC”) regime was fully implemented by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) on 17 October 2017 to promote proper conduct and increase awareness of individual responsibility and accountability. While the MIC regime was not intended by the SFC to be an enforcement tool, the SFC’s Enforcement Division has investigated whether certain MICs have appropriately fulfilled their obligations in supervising regulated activities within their Web site created using create-react-app 26 January 2017, Investment Funds, Legal Alert, by Isabella Wong, Scott Carnachan.

Hk manager in charge regime

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Hk manager in charge regime

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Hk manager in charge regime

The regime seeks to heighten the accountability of senior management at licensed corporations Hong Kong's "Manager in Charge" Regime Seen as a Burden to Compliance Staff A recently announced regime for mapping managers in charge of financial firms' regulated activities in HongKong will be a burden to locally-based compliance and legal staff, sources said. Hong Kong's Manager in Charge regime The implications of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission’s Manager in Charge regime and concludes with key points for licensed corporations. 29 September 2017 Publication The Introduction Of The Manager-In-Charge Regime In Hong Kong Facebook 0 Tweet 0 LinkedIn 0 The new MIC regime seeks to regulate the senior management of a licensed corporation, including directors of the corporation (including shadow directors), responsible officers (“ROs”) and individuals appointed as an MIC of one of the eight new “Core Functions”. Red Flags in HK Managers in Charge Regime.
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Hk manager in charge regime

The circular effectively introduces a Hong Kong manager in charge regime. Initially all firms will need to provide the SFC with information on their organizational structure and managers from 18th April 2017 to 17th July 2017. The new Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) Manager-In-Charge regime will come into force on 18 April 2017.

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Manager-in Charge Persons appointed by LC (either alone or with others) to have principal reponsibility for a Core Can be an employee or non-employee/ based in HK or overseas Specifically, Manager-in-Charge or MIC is the "new title" accorded to individuals who are appointed by an LC to be In practice the introduction of the MIC Regime represents a significant regulatory shift, in which the SFC aims to enhance accountability of senior management of LCs in Hong Kong. Given the complexity of the issues involved and the tight implementation timeframe, financial services firms are set to face challenges in meeting the new regulatory requirements under the MIC Regime. 2016-12-19 · What functions require a manager in charge? MICs are individuals appointed by a licensed corporation to be principally responsible, alone or with others, for managing any of eight new Core Functions. These encompass both front office and mid/back office roles, and there must be at least one MIC per Core Function. The circular effectively introduces a Hong Kong manager in charge regime.

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The Manager-In-Charge (MIC) regime was fully implemented in October 2017. Amongst others, it required the Licensed Corporations (LCs) to appoint MICs across 8 core functions, and submit to the SFC the details of each MIC, the governance structure and their reporting lines. SFC fully implements Manager-In-Charge regime. The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) today announced the full implementation of the Manager-In-Charge (MIC) regime (Note 1) following a six-month transition period which ended on 16 October 2017. During the transition period, about 10,000 individuals were appointed by licensed corporations as Hong Kong: Manager-In-Charge regime comes into force. Following the end of a 6-month transition period, the Manager-In-Charge ( MIC) regime introduced by the Securities and Futures Commission ( SFC) is now fully implemented, starting from 17 October 2017.

11 Jan 2017 Hong Kong - SFC Introduces New “Managers In Charge” Regime To Augment Accountability Of Senior Management Of Licensed corporations. HK$780. Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) introduced Manager-In-Charge regime in April 2017 to all SFC licensed  18 May 2018 and Futures Commission (SFC) provides an update on the implementation of the Manager-in-Charge (MIC) regime and announces that it will  the following statement in response to the Hong Kong Securities & Futures Commission (SFC) circular on its new Manager in Charge regime: The industry  This article provides an analysis of the implications of Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission's "Manager in Charge" regime. Hong Kong SFC unveils senior management disclosure rules that firms must assign a Manager-in-Charge (MIC) to each of eight, core business functions: are more closely aligned with its responsible officer and regulated persons regi Next year, in the UK, the regime will be extended to investment firms and asset managers.