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I know, I know, this personal pronoun is a little tricky because it not only has three meanings, sometimes you can even see it with a capital letter. The good news is that both forms exist in German and thus they are both correct. The bad news is: Both forms are not interchangeable at will. Which form you have to use is dependent on the grammatical case of the object, that is, the personal pronoun. ihm translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'im',ihr',IHK',ihn', examples, definition, conjugation Ihr translations: your, yours, your, yours, you, her, hers, their, theirs, her, its, their, their, ye, you, you…. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary.
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Ich helfe ihr. I’m helping her (I’m giving help to her). Helfen is a verb that is followed by the dative. The dative pronouns are mir, dir, ihm, ihr, ihm, uns, euch, ihnen. The form Ihr (capitalized in writing) was formerly the polite second-person form for both singular and plural (compare French vous and Early Modern English you) and was used instead of contemporary Sie. Ihr (her) is also the dative form of sie (she). That’s sie as in “she,” and not capitalized Sie, which is the formal form of “you” (I’ll get more into capitalizing formal words later on…). There are different cases in German sentences that affect nouns.
DIE ILIAS UND IHR RICHTER Karl Reinhardt Text in German
der Opa ( der = masculine article) das Baby ( das = neuter article) We use unsere, eure, and ihre when these words refer to a noun with a feminine or plural article. die Oma ( die = feminine article) The possessive adjective you need is 'hers' which is ihr in German. The noun being possessed is 'brother' which is masculine.
Sport gegen Gewalt: Welcher Meinung seid Ihr? - Öppna rutan
Präsens. ichübergebe. duübergebest. erübergebe.
He stands beside her. II. Als POSSESSIV‐ ARTIKEL: "Ihr/Ihre und ihr / ihre" stehen als Artikel vor einem Nomen. In English "your": 3a) Ihr/Ihre als Possessivartikel in der formalen Ansprache mit Herr oder Frau. Herr Mai (und Frau Mai), ist das Ihr (your) Sohn / sind das Ihre (your) Söhne? The 5 meanings of the German Word "IHR" (her, your, their etc) - YouTube. Watch later.
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possessive pronoun. ihr 1 < gen euer, dat euch, acc euch> [i:ɐ̯] PRON pers 2. pers. pl nom von sie 1.
I know, I know, this personal pronoun is a little tricky because it not only has three meanings, sometimes you can even see it with a capital letter. ihm translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'IM',ihr',IHK',ihn', examples, definition, conjugation
Ihr translations: your, yours, your, yours, you, her, hers, their, theirs, her, its, their, their, ye, you, you…. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary.
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Key & BPM for Ihr Seid So Leise by German Band Music
Especially for German learners the correct declension of the word ihr is crucial. If Ihr is lower-case (ihr) then it means her rather than your (can also mean their). In which case you wouldnt be speaking directly to the woman. "Haben Sie ihnen Reisepass" makes no sense because ihnen is a dative pronoun, not a genitive pronoun (possessive pronoun, in English). German Verb Conjugation with du, ihr and Sie. If you haven’t picked up on the pattern yet, when you use “Sie” as the subject of your sentence, the verb ends with -en. “Ihr” requires -t and “du” requires -st.
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Aktiv Ferie. Web presence for University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer (Germany), Politiker, die ihr Studium abgebrochen haben, empfinden das als Makel.
Ihr/e translate: yours (faithfully/sincerely/truly), your, yours. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary. Grammar: This is the conjugation of the verb to be (sein) in German: ich bin (I am) ; du bist (you are); er/sie/es ist (he/she/it is); wir sind (we are); ihr seid (you are) Cognate with Low German ji, jie, Dutch jij, gij, je, English ye, Gothic 𐌾𐌿𐍃 (jūs). Pronoun. ihr (pl.) you (plural, familiar). Inflection. In older language the genitive is Ihr translated from German to English including synonyms, definitions, and Ihr. en-pron.