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BD VENFLON Pro Safety 22G 0.9x25mm blau 50 Stk von Becton Dickinson AG | Artikel 393222 EAN-Code / GTIN / Strichcode: 30382903932222 BD Venflon pro safety cathéter court veineux périphérique de sécurité avec site d’injection 22G 0.9x25mm bleu 50 pce Gewicht in Gramm: ca. 425 /
VENFLON Shielded IV Catheter 22g, Blue, (393222) 50 per box BD Venflon™ Pro Safety Shielded IV Catheter. Developed to help minimise the risk of unanticipated blood splash and needlestick injuries.
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Venflon Pro is based on the BD Venflon and features a design improvement to the injection port cap. Benefits and Features VENFLON Shielded IV Catheter 22g, Blue, (393222) 50 per box BD Venflon™ Pro Safety Shielded IV Catheter. Developed to help minimise the risk of unanticipated blood splash and needlestick injuries. Robust needle tip protection – fully encapsulates needle tip; Ease of penetration (small or fragile veins) Reliable insertion characteristics BD Venflon Pro Safety kanyl infusion blå 0,9x25mm [393222] 50st .
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Details. More Information. BD Venflon™ Pro Safety. BD Venflon™ Pro Safety. 22G x 1,00 pollici (0.9 mm x 25 mm) Blu: Scatola da 50, confezione da 500: 393224: 20G x 1,26 pollici (1,1 mm Buy Becton Dickinson (BD) Venflon Pro Safety IV Cannula Online Rs. 5,425 price in India at SmartMedicalBuyer.