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doi: 10.4236/ojn.2014.46049. References Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California. [39] Joanna Briggs Institute  Fulltext, articles. Som student/personal på Högskolan Väst har du tillgång! SAGE Journals.

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Ämnesområde: Allmänt:  SAGE Journals Online. Artikeldatabas (fulltext) Innehåller vetenskapliga tidskrifter i fulltext inom samhällsvetenskap, humaniora,  SAGE Publications, grundad 1965 av George McCune och Sara Miller McCune, är en oberoende utgivare av akademisk litteratur och tidskrifter inom humaniora,  SAGE has an agreement with the Bibsam consortium of Swedish universities, governmental agencies and research institutes to publish articles open access. SAGE Journals köps via BIBSAM och har ett eget licensavtal och SAGE tillåter enligt detta avtal både Fjärrlån, Course packs, Scholarly sharing  Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. SAGE publishes  Sage Journals: Blank Lined Journal, writing notebook journal: Mark, Sima: Books. Sage Journals: période d'essai du 1er février au 3 mai 2018 1023 titres de Sage Journals sont accessibles pour une période Klartext. SAGE journals online [Elektronisk resurs]. - 200?- Harvard.

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SAGE publishes more than 1000 high-impact journals across a broad range of disciplines. SAGE has forged strong partnerships for nearly half a century, publishing on behalf of more than 400 learned societies and institutions. We are uniquely positioned between the big commercial publishers and small university presses to provide worldwide distribution of your research with a 2005-12-16 Journal Subscriptions and Purchasing Options Institutional Subscriptions to Individual Journal Titles Subscription Prices for Hybrid Journals Consortia Subscriptions Subscription Agents Licensing Institutions wishing to provide access to their subscriptions to additional locations other than their main site* will need a multisite subscription and license.
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SAGE publishes more than 1000 high-impact journals across a broad range of disciplines.