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On the Shpock marketplace you can List in seconds: photos of your item, a description, a price… and that’s it! Choose from our Secure Delivery options Log in - Shpock. Login. Enter your email address. Enter your password.
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On the Shpock marketplace you can List in seconds: photos of your item, a description, a price… and that’s it! Choose from our Secure Delivery options Log in - Shpock. Login. Enter your email address.
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Begagnatsajten rullar ut en ny svensk loppis-app för en yngre målgrupp. Nu fortsätter motoffensiven med köp- och säljappen Shpock. BILDBANK-Logotyper & foton från Shpock; Shpock (SHop in your POCKet) är en streetloppis-app.
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– Det är Namnet Shpock är en (något klumpig) sammanslagning av orden Shop och Pocket. Appen, som lanserades år 2012, är en helt bildbaserad köp- och säljplattform med över 10 miljoner användare ute i Europa. I september 2015 förvärvade Schibsted 91 procent av aktierna i bolaget från dess tyska grundare. Schibsteds Blocket-utmanare Shpock lockar en halv miljon svenskar Så kommer Amazons intåg påverka den svenska marknaden SPONSRAT AV Litium Stordalens app vänder till vinst – vill omsätta 1,5 miljarder 2021 Vi har scrollat igenom Shpock och hittade dessa artiklar för den ultimata Oscars eller filmkvällen - onesize, popcorn maskinen.
Join the buying and selling marketplace that makes second hand feel like a joy. Shpock is a marketplace platform that brings millions of private buyers and sellers across the United Kingdom together for second hand shopping. You can buy and sell (almost) anything:new, nearly new and used things in various categories such as electronics and tech, fashion and clothes, items for children and
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Shpock is a marketplace and Go to Google Play store Go to Apple App store. More about our App. Shpock Shpock+ Motors Shpock+ for Professionals Careers News & Press Advertising on Shpock Help Centre Join the buying and selling marketplace that makes second hand feel like a joy. Shpock is a marketplace platform that brings millions of private buyers and sellers across the United Kingdom together for second hand shopping. You can buy and sell (almost) anything:new, nearly new and used things in various categories such as electronics and tech, fashion and clothes, items for children and Shpock is an online marketplace that uses a mobile and browser -based platform for private buying and selling of things in the area.
Schibsteds köp- och säljapp Shpock skrotar svenska språket
Nytt rekord i KB - fyra Shpock is a marketplace and classifieds platform that brings millions of private buyers and sellers across the United Kingdom together - London, Brighton, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Leicester and Liverpool are amongst the most active areas for second hand shopping. Vill du översätta beskrivningen till Svenska (Sverige) med Google Översätt? Join the buying and selling marketplace that makes second hand feel like a joy. Shpock is a marketplace platform that Shpock (SHop in your POCKet) är en streetloppis-app. Objekten sorteras efter din position, så att du kan bläddra igenom en mängd olika objekt för att upptäcka begagnade prylar i din närhet eller tjäna pengar genom att sälja dina saker du inte längre använder. Shpock ist eine Kleinanzeigen- und Marktplatzplattform, die Millionen private Käufer und Verkäufer in ganz Deutschland zusammenbringt - Berlin, München, Köln, Stuttgart, Mannheim, Hamburg und Frankfurt zählen zu den beliebtesten Städten für Secondhand-Shopping. Shpock is a marketplace and classifieds platform that brings millions of private buyers and sellers across the United Kingdom together - London, Brighton, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Leicester and Liverpool are amongst the most active areas for second hand shopping.
The declutterers. The wallet boosters. The eco-conscious. Launched in 2012, Shpock is a mobile-first marketplace encouraging people to find joy from selling. The declutterers.