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Moms facebook comments

Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read. 2017-05-09 · A few moons ago, we published an article on our design and marketing blog about marketing to moms on Facebook. We have written a lot over the years, but that article recently debunked the king of 2012-05-05 · Facebook has almost officially and completely replaced google for my mom. If she wants to go to a froyo place, she uses Facebook. If she wants to learn about a movie, she uses Facebook.

Moms facebook comments

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Moms facebook comments

"MommyJacking" refers to posting comments that work a child and/or being a parent into a Facebook status, no matter the topic. For example, if someone excitedly posts about earning their long-awaited, hard-earned Master's degree, a MommyJacker might comment with, "Oh, that's great!

City Moms Blog Network are not responsible for prize fulfillment. Fort Worth Moms Blog is responsible for prize fulfillment. Moms are notorious for bragging about their kids and sharing their opinions on child-rearing, but it's so much worse on Facebook because there's no filter, no rules, no precedent. Mom’s Rant About “Mommy Facebook Groups” Goes Viral January 13, 2020, 3:45 pm An anonymous woman is being celebrated on Reddit for being both incredibly accurate and hilarious about Facebook groups for moms.
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Like it or not, our moms have taken over the social network.

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A Pew Research survey from 2015 revealed that moms are more likely to use Facebook than dads, with 81% of moms on the platform and only 66% of dads. Mothers are also more active, with 76% saying View the profiles of people named Moms Comments.

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