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7: Protein evidence: Evidence at protein level : Protein class i HMGCR: Gene description i. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase: Protein class i. Enzymes FDA approved drug targets Plasma proteins Transporters: Predicted location i Intracellular,Membrane: Number of transcripts i. 7: HUMAN PROTEIN ATLAS INFORMATION i. RNA The HMGCR gene encodes HMG-CoA reductase, a protein best known as being the target for drugs designed to reduce cholesterol levels and thereby reduce the risk for heart disease.. SNPs in HMGCR can influence how well such drugs work; they include: .

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Description. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HGNC Symbol) Entrez gene summary. HMG-CoA reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme for cholesterol synthesis and is regulated via a negative feedback mechanism mediated by sterols and non-sterol metabolites derived from mevalonate, the product of the reaction catalyzed by reductase. Summary of HMGCR This gene encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the rate limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis (R). 0 users want this gene increased, 0 users want it decreased The Function of HMGCR Luskey (1987) determined that the human HMGCR gene has several transcriptional start sites that generate relatively short 5-prime UTRs of 73 to 105 nucleotides.

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Seven predicted target genes for the downregulated microRNAs were annotated factor receptor (EGFR), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGCR),  Nytt antigen i myosit-antikroppspanelen – antikroppar mot HMGCR. Från och MDA5 (melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5).

Hmgcr gene

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Hmgcr gene

24 Sep 2014 Genetic studies. We selected as instruments two SNPs (rs17238484 and rs12916 ) in the HMGCR gene on the basis of genetic associations with  Here we review experimental evidence suggesting that the peroxisomal activity might be due to a second HMGCR gene in mammals.

Hmgcr gene

3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase is the key regulatory enzyme for cholesterol biosynthesis. The human gene (HMGCR)has been  23 Sep 2019 Phikud Navakot (PN), nine selected herbal remedies from those components in NY, regulates HMGCR and LDLR genes leading to enhance  11 Jun 2019 reductase (HMGCR) is negatively associated with PCV2 infection in vitro and in vivo. HMGCR HMGCR gene (GenBank accession no. 24 Sep 2014 Genetic studies.
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Hmgcr gene

The study investigated cancer risk for a single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP rs12916) in the gene encoding hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR), the targeted enzyme in statin treatment.

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Data show that 12 SNPs from CETP, APOAI, ABCB1, CYP7A1, and HMGCR genes to be associated with baseline LDL-C and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and increased risk of CAD. HMGCR protein expression summary. HMG-CoA reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme for cholesterol synthesis and is regulated via a negative feedback mechani sm mediated by sterols and non-sterol metabolites derived from mevalonate, the product of the reaction catalyzed by reductase.

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Use Bio-Rad's PrimePCR assays, controls, templates for your target gene. Every primer pair is optimized, experimentally validated, and performance guaranteed.

rs17244841; rs17238540 HMGCR: 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-CoA Reductase: Protein Coding: 47: GC05P075336: 47.16: 2: PRKAA2: Protein Kinase AMP-Activated Catalytic Subunit Alpha 2: Protein Coding: 51: GC01P056645: 6.85: 3: INSIG1: Insulin Induced Gene 1: Protein Coding: 41: GC07P155297: 6.80: 4: PRKAA1: Protein Kinase AMP-Activated Catalytic Subunit Alpha 1: Protein Coding: 49: GC05M040759: 6.78: 5: APOE: … 2014-11-24 Activities of 417bp and 317bp HMGCS1 promoter fragments were 2.5 to 4 fold decreased by ACBP. Concordantly, the levels of HMGCS1-mRNA and -protein were diminished to 60% and 70% in ACBP-expressing HeLa cells, respectively. Additionally, ACBP reduces the promoter activity and the mRNA levels of the cholesterogenic HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR). 2018-12-03 HMGCR gene variation is associated with multiple lipid/lipoprotein traits, especially with triglyceride. The impact of the genetic variance is modest and differs greatly among ethnicities. Data show that 12 SNPs from CETP, APOAI, ABCB1, CYP7A1, and HMGCR genes to be associated with baseline LDL-C and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and increased risk of CAD. Peroxisomal HMGCR might be coded by a second gene, but is not detected because it is more than 35% different from the ER enzyme. This is confuted by the fact that peroxisomal HMGCR is recognized not only in the catalytic domain but also at epitopes in the membrane-spanning region by several of the same antibodies as the ER enzyme.