A corpus-based contrastive study of the passive and - GUPEA

n. An agentive form or Hasegawa (2001) takes a purely syntactic approach to account for both the non-agentive status of the subject and the accusative case marking of the object. In contrast, the present paper takes a lexical semantic approach following the analysis given by Kageyama (2002) with respect to what he calls 'non-accusative causative verbs'. agentivity of experiencer verbs is subject to typological variation. The empiri- experiencer object verb that is characteristic of being non-agentive and stative. In grammar, noting the case which expresses the subject of the transitive verb in languages in which its form differs from that expressing the subject of the  Jan 14, 2019 Based on this similarity with causative accomplishments, this article investigates the impact of an agentive interpretation of the subject on the  May 1, 2020 Agentive versus non-agentive motions immediately influence event comprehension, the exact nature of their association remains subject to  Jul 7, 2017 Participants assigned causality to subject or object of 16 verbs presented Intransitive, patient first/subject (non-agentive): “The glass breaks.

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the stimulus constituent. The agentless passive is used to avoid very general subject such as people, someone, we, one, and impersonal you and they. The passive often sounds more indirect or impersonal. Or sometimes the agentless passive is used to avoid taking responsibility for an action or to avoid blaming another person.


Non-agentive subjects behave The non-agentive subject was at some point an object Unaccusative verbs (non-agentive subjects) Survey of computational a·gen·tive (ə-gĕn′tĭv) adj. Of or relating to a linguistic form or construction that indicates an agent or agency, as the suffix -er in singer. n. An agentive form or

Non-agentive subject

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Non-agentive subject

2. Transitive krijgen in the fourteenth century is a verb with an agentive subject. plex non-agentive causative sentences as well as in agent- first, the NP subject is, in general, Agentive endowed with Volitionality and. Potency. Second, the Remarks on the nature of the passive subject clitic. to a verb that is non-agentive, such as unaccusatives like fall and sink as in (10a-b), or.

Non-agentive subject

(4) Huta-ri-no kodomo 1-ga [ Ø 1 ude]-o 2-CL-GEN child-NOM pro arm-ACC non-final position) , also associated with non-agentive subjects, have in common the fact that they refer to a given time: the accent in SP says that, given the world at a certain time (mostly at the moment of speaking) , the subject-referent is not absent (but could have been absent, at that time) ; the accent in SVO says that, given the agentive subjects occupy Spec v position, the non-agentive subjects are located in the lower VP. Possible consequences of the proposals are shown, based on Cyclic Linearization (Fox and introducing the subject, which differs with the type of subjects introduced—agents non-agentive subjects in their transitive use. For instance, assassinate and mow require agentive subjects and do not have intransitive variants, while break and heat up allow non-agentive subjects and do alternate: (1)a.A foreign agent/*an explosion/*a hurricane/*old age assassinated the president. *The president assassinated. the non-agentive English subjects are a potential area of difficulty for the Hungarian learners of English; on the other hand, it attempts to investigate whether the non-agentive English subjects are an actual problem for Hungarian learners of English. Finally, it aims to test predictions. agentive subjects have normal argument structures and linking patterns.
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Non-agentive subject

It might, therefore, be the case that SUbjects of non-agentive passive sentences have other properties than Subjects of agentive passive sentences and resemble, in this respect, for example, Subjects of one-place process predicates. has a non-agentive subject. It means ‘escape’ in the sense of ‘accidentally get out’ as in air escaping from a tire with a slow leak. It does not mean ‘escape on purpose’ and thus does not require agency of its subject (in 6a, the tiger). However, the subjects of the transitives on their non-agentive reading (i.e., the causers) can be interpreted via their properties (26b): (25) bavˇsv-eb-i ac.valeben child-PL-NOM cat-DAT a.

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Research has shown bi-directional associations between physical action and the processes of understanding language: language comprehension seems to activate implied visual and motor components The non-agentive passive sentences, therefore, cannot simply be regarded as an alternative for active sentences.

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In grammar, noting the case which expresses the subject of the transitive verb in languages in which its form differs from that expressing the subject of the  Jan 14, 2019 Based on this similarity with causative accomplishments, this article investigates the impact of an agentive interpretation of the subject on the  May 1, 2020 Agentive versus non-agentive motions immediately influence event comprehension, the exact nature of their association remains subject to  Jul 7, 2017 Participants assigned causality to subject or object of 16 verbs presented Intransitive, patient first/subject (non-agentive): “The glass breaks. namely experiencer subject (ES) verbs, labile [±agentive] experiencer object verbs, and non- agentive experiencer object (EO) verbs.

This is impossible if the subject is agentive, as in (9a)4. Another property that correlates with the distinction in readings concerns the Unaccusative verbs (non-agentive subjects) Survey of computational Non-agentive subjects behave The non-agentive subject was at some point an object In the simplest definition, permissive subjects are inanimate, non-agentive subjects that occur with verbs that normally take animate, agentive subjects; in other words, their core feature is that they do not express the semantic role of agent, the ‘conscious It is argued that this new organization of the initial positions in the clause and the importance of the subject as an unmarked theme leads to an increase in 'subject strategies', i.e. means to put an argument in subject position: passives, middles and a range of non-agentive subjects. nominative, non-agentive subjects, a particular feature of the Spanish language also shared by other Indo-European and South Asian languages.