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This is a strobing animation designed to induce hallucinations.This should NOT BE TRIED BY PEOPLE WITH EPILEPSY, or people prone to visually induced seizures Get ready to hallucinate! Stare into the Strobe Illusion and watch the world warp, twist and distort. More mind-melting illusions including Brain Drain, Black Hole and Dizzy Devil are available to try. It’s a wild ride for your eyes! After watching each stroboscopic illusion for 30 seconds you will experience a unique hallucinogenic effect. Strobe Illusion.
16. Från himmelen fallenLouise Hoffsten, Albin Lee Meldau • Från himmelen fallen. 4:160:30. 4 aug. 2020 — för att skapa en illusion av form, kräver 360 produktfotografering den Den höga intensiteten i strobe lampor gör det möjligt att använda En Peppers Ghost är teatralisk illusion som ursprungligen utvecklades på 1800-talet för att få Det här är inte bara någon statisk prop med en strobe på den. Strobe Face Glaze. 210:- Veluxe Brow Liner.
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即将出现的页面可能令你出现幻觉. 你眼睛周围的画面会扭曲, 类似吸毒者眼里的世界. 开始体验.
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THIS WILL MAKE YOU HALLUCINATE! Insane Optical Illusions That Make You Feel Like Your Flying / See Things. Best Hallucination Video Sub For More Spot The Dif Strobe Illusion Stare into the Strobe Illusion and begin to hallucinate! After watching for 30 seconds your vision will distort and things around you will appear to move as if you’re underwater, tripping out… or going into flashback. The wagon-wheel effect (alternatively called stagecoach-wheel effect or stroboscopic effect) is an optical illusion in which a spoked wheel appears to rotate differently from its true rotation.
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This is a famous piece of street art : it has turned a street into the depths of a volcano. Our brain can’t deal with 2-d: it wants to see depth where none exists.
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