Rato Bhale Koya Koya — Gopal Last.fm


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12 % 2g Proteiner. Logg mat. Daglige Tareko Chiura Best before OCT 2021 Weight :250 Gm Ingredients: Special beaten Rice, Edible Vegetable Oil, Salt Brand : Rato Bhale. Rato Bhale restaurant is newly opened offered a different menu where special menu is: local chicken khana set, jhaneko sekuwa, tandorii momo. स्वाद  Company Name, RATO BHALE RESTAURANT SDN BHD. Company Registration No. 0840816T. Nature of Business, RESTAURANT.

Rato Bhale Koya Koya — Gopal Last.fm

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Rato bhale

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Rato bhale

rato bhale, 40 gram. Kalorier: 64 •Kolhydrater: 20 g •Fett: 0 g •Protein: 8 g. 64. Rato Bhale.
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It can be eaten raw or fried, both ways it taste great.

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And few today might remember  Dec 24, 2015 Sanjeev Singh is back with his new album “TIMI RA MA” and here's the video of ' RATO BHALE' from his new album.

Menu ( LAST UPDATED ON - 15 th Apr 2018). Photos ( LAST UPDATED ON - 15 th Apr 2018).