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Rabbit polyclonal SATB2 antibody. Validated in WB and tested in Mouse. Cited in 51 publication(s). Independently reviewed in 2 review(s).
SATB2 can also be useful in the differentiation of ovarian carcinoma from colorectal carcinoma. In the literature <5% of ovarian carcinomas including the mucinous subtype have been reported to be SATB2 positive. SATB2 is a biomarker for colorectal cancer, 85% of all CRC patients are positive for SATB2 and other cancer types rarely display SATB2 expression SATB2 in combination with cytokeratin 20 identifies over 95% of all colorectal carcinomas (Am J Surg Pathol 2011;35:937) 2018-02-01 · Our results showed that SATB2 was positive in only one of the liver ADC of pulmonary origin that was CK7 + CK20 − CDX2 − and SATB2 was expressed in 94.7% (89/94) of liver metastatic CRC with CK7 − CK20 + CDX2 + . Additionally, SATB2 staining was observed in 66.7% (6/9) that coexpressed CK20/CDX2 along with CK7 .
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Therefore, CDH-17 and SATB2 are complementary and, when used together, could identify all MC.5 IV. Other markers available for detection of metastatic CRC Dragomir, et al reports that SATB2 marker alone had 93% sensitivity and 77% specificity in determining CRC. 2020-11-01 Results Positive SATB2 immunoreactivity was observed in 23 (46%) SIAs in contrast to 48 (96%) CRCs (p<0.0001). Among these, only 4 (8%) SIAs showed strong and diffuse (4+) SATB2 staining compared with 38 (76%) of CRCs (p<0.0001). Conclusions SATB2 … 2019-11-26 Search results for SATB2* at Sigma-Aldrich.
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In brief, the manual. score of SATB2 expression was determined as the fraction. of positive At present appendix/colon, tonsil and testis are suggested as recommended positive and negative tissue controls for SATB2. In appendix/colon, protocols must be Tumors showing staining of any intensity (for SATB2 and CDX-2) in greater than 5% of the tumor cells were accepted as positive. Results: The cohort consisted IHC showed 97 of the 101 (96.0%) primary CRC samples were SATB2 positive, compared to only 6 of the 273 (2.1%) samples of other cancer types.
Rabbit polyclonal SATB2 antibody. Validated in WB and tested in Mouse. Cited in 51 publication(s). Independently reviewed in 2 review(s). Immunogen corresponding to synthetic peptide. In addition, all 20 of these tumors were positive for SATB2, and 19 were positive for CDX2. SATB2 appears to be a useful marker for the diagnosis of primary vs metastatic mucinous intestinal-type neoplasms and is highly sensitive in detecting lower gastrointestinal tract metastasis.
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Primaries showed identical immunophenotypes to their metastases. Among cases of unknown primary origin, 3 were positive and 3 were negative for CDX2 and SATB2.
SATB2 was found to be disrupted in two unrelated cases with de novo apparently balanced chromosome translocations associated with cleft palate and Pierre Robin sequence. Our results show that SATB2 is a sensitive and highly specific marker for CRC with distinct positivity in 85% of all CRCs, and that SATB2 and/or CK20 was positive in 97% of CRCs. Rabbit polyclonal SATB2 antibody. Validated in WB and tested in Mouse.
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Anca Dragomir - Uppsala universitet
In the literature <5% of ovarian carcinomas including the mucinous subtype have been reported to be SATB2 positive. SATB2 is a biomarker for colorectal cancer, 85% of all CRC patients are positive for SATB2 and other cancer types rarely display SATB2 expression SATB2 in combination with cytokeratin 20 identifies over 95% of all colorectal carcinomas (Am J Surg Pathol 2011;35:937) 2018-02-01 · Our results showed that SATB2 was positive in only one of the liver ADC of pulmonary origin that was CK7 + CK20 − CDX2 − and SATB2 was expressed in 94.7% (89/94) of liver metastatic CRC with CK7 − CK20 + CDX2 + . Additionally, SATB2 staining was observed in 66.7% (6/9) that coexpressed CK20/CDX2 along with CK7 . Expression of SATB2 (FLJ21474, KIAA1034) in cancer tissue. The cancer tissue page shows antibody staining of the protein in 20 different cancers. We use cookies to enhance the usability of our website.
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Initial: • Consider brain MRI and EEG at baseline Sep 2, 2020 Those are ER [estrogen receptor]-positive breast cancer, HER2-positive breast cancer, so-called triple-negative breast cancer, where the markers Jan 14, 2021 Exploring current advances in treatment options beyond the second-line setting for progressive HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. Feb 28, 2020 Learn more about what traits and medical care make up SATB2-associated syndrome in this video. Feb 28, 2019 Meet Javi and his father who were interviewed by Chris Ulmer from Special Books by Special Kids. Developmental progress is hard to come by May 31, 2019 A short video about SATB2-associated syndrome. This video's goal is to help children understand about other children with SATB2-associated The SATB2 (Special AT-rich Sequence-Binding Protein 2) gene has been identified as part of a chromosomal translocation involving 2q32-q33 that results in Atypical carcinoid tumors of lung origin (A; note focus of punctate necrosis at the lower left) were more likely to be SATB2-positive (B) than typical carcinoid tumor.
SATB2 antibody has been identified as a tissue-specific protein when screening protein expression patterns in human and cancerous tissues, with expression restricted to the lower gastrointestinal tract. SATB2 in combination with CK20 and Cadherin 17 could identify almost all colorectal carcinomas, including poorly differentiated colorectal carcinomas. Upper gastrointestinal (GI) carcinomas and Nov 26, 2019 In our study, SATB2 was positive in 2.0% of POMNs compared to in 52.8% of colonic and appendiceal tumors.