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Ask people to perform one gesture at a time only - this is the best way to explain how to use an effect. Don't use a text object to add custom interaction instructions. Use the Instructions module and format in system text, 16pt, semi-bold, centered, white. Best Practices User Experience 1. Offer Login and Account Creation Opportunities Immediately. A majority of users who sign into apps with Facebook do so in the first five minutes of using the app, and more than 90% do so in the first day. FB SDK Best Practices for GDPR Compliance.

Plus, the setup process, ad specs, and 10 best practices for your campaigns. Use less text on images: When you use text on your image, try a smaller font and fewer words to lower the proportion of text to image. We've found that images with less than 20% text perform better, though there is no limit on the amount of text you can use in your ad image.