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Learn more. English-German Dictionary: Translation for NEET. NEET [Br.] [Can.] [Not in Employment, Education, or Training] [also: neet] [(junge) Person, die sich nicht in Beschäftigung, Unterricht, Aus- oder Fortbildung befindet] What does neet mean? Alternative form of NEET. (noun) 29 Jul 2018 But what is a NEET?

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(British English) jump to other results. a young person who is no longer in the education system and who is not working or being trained for work (the abbreviation for ‘not in education, employment or training’) The government is devising new strategies to … Neat definition is - free from dirt and disorder : habitually clean and orderly. How to use neat in a sentence. 2021-02-06 Definition of NEET in the dictionary.

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Urban dictionary neet

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Urban dictionary neet

1. A word denoting that a person or object is found to be wanting. 2. An exclamation used when something is found to be hilariously inadequate or unsatisfactory. 3. Abbreviation of Special Needs, i.e.

Urban dictionary neet

Many translated example sentences containing "neet" – English-Dutch dictionary and search engine for English translations.
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Urban dictionary neet

Definition of NEET in Slang/Internet Slang.

Abbreviation of Special Needs, i.e. Mentally or Physically retarded. 1. Urban Dictionary: net net.
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Todays use usually goes with that the person is still living off their parents  24 Oct 2017 Best for NEET. Best for NEET. 387K subscribers Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban. TED. TED. •.

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Look it up now! NEET. noun. /niːt/. /niːt/. (British English) jump to other results.