Tal vid utdelningen av ALMA-priset 2018 på engelska
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he's not going to like this. It seems that hackers were able to access the game's leaderboards. We have recently fixed that. Leaderboards back to normal_. 11:55 - 4 juni 2014. Uttalslexikon: Lär dig hur man uttalar They were able på engelska med infött uttal. Engslsk översättning av They were able.
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English online modal auxiliaries exercises with answers. All English Modal auxiliaries - exercises free and with help function. 17 Ene 2017 Synonym for could Could es poder en futuro y was/were able se utiliza para decir que eres capaz de hacer algo Por ejemplo: i could buy this usage of be able to and could in the past. Grammar: Modals.
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All of these factors in turn mean that once a vaccine passed critical safety and efficacy milestones and received emergency use approval from the federal government, healthcare organizations were able to start providing the vaccine to patients in a matter of days. Looters in New York City were able to tear through some of the most expensive, high-end stores in the city because of an intelligence failure, according to a high-ranking police official. Find 14 ways to say BE ABLE TO, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Were you able to get in touch with Gary?
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I (finally) could get my family back. 1/2: "BE able to Verb": The first two (#1, #2) could strongly imply that everyone did escape (#1), and we did persuade them (#2). If that type of strong implication is not immediately cancelled, or if the context The Nazis were able to take power almost without a struggle. Los nazis pudieron tomar el poder casi sin lucha. The other minors were able to evade the police. A reader asks when to use "was able to" and when to use "have been able to." Editor Kory Stamper explains.
I could / was able to run very 3.
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Los nazis pudieron tomar el poder casi sin lucha. The other minors were able to evade the police. A reader asks when to use "was able to" and when to use "have been able to." Editor Kory Stamper explains.
I can' A business English lesson about the difference between could, was/were able to, and managed to. Fill-in-the-blank practice activity and conversation questions In order to understand better why the first sentence is not correct, change the second question into a statement: “You were able to download it.” “Able” is an Oct 12, 2015 'to be able to' in Past Tense 'was/were able to' Learn English Grammar ગુજરાતી થીVideo link : https://youtu.be/qT1MfXWw3SgPlaylist run a marathon. 2. I got the job because I. were able to High quality example sentences with “people were able” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in Jun 5, 2014 The fire spread through the building very quickly, but everyone was able to escape. They didn't want to come with us at first, but finally we were Q. They ___ save the men from the sinking ship. answer choices. were able to.