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Adding value to brands via custom woven labels, personalised clothing labels, printed tickets, packaging, accessories, trims and fashion branding. Nilörngruppen AB today published the Annual report and Sustainability report for 2019 on the company’s website, www.nilorn.se. Borås 30 April 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Krister Magnusson CEO M: +46 704 852 114 E: Krister.magnusson@nilorn.com. This is information that Nilörngruppen AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Nilorn is committed to be your responsible supplier, providing goods and services with sustainability at its core. We work with carefully selected partners who hold the same values and principles.

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Box 499. Proff.se ger dig företagsinformation om Nilörn AB, 556080-6092. Hitta adress på karta, kontaktinfo, nyckeltal och befattningar.

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Nilorn worldwide

Nilorn Worldwide, Borås, Sweden. 318 likes · 16 talking about this. Adding value to your brand - via Woven Labels, Swing Tickets, Trims, Packaging and Fashion Branding.

Here at Nilorn, we pride ourselves on being a “Development Hub” for both brand owners and garment manufacturers alike. Adding value to brands via woven labels, swing tickets Nilorn’s fourth annual Sustainability Report details our progress and challenges during 2019.
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Telephone. 02034273037 (Tap to call).

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Adding value to brands via woven labels, swing tickets Nilorn’s fourth annual Sustainability Report details our progress and challenges during 2019. The report covers our three focus areas – Clients, Production & Supply Chain and Employees. We are proud of our work and continue forward on our journey to a more sustainable business. Current vacancies and apprenticeships available at Nilorn UK. Vacancies. The UK division of Nilorn Worldwide are a successful and progressive local company providing design, branding and logistics solutions to a global client base.

Proff.se ger dig företagsinformation om Nilörn AB, 556080-6092. Hitta adress på karta, kontaktinfo, nyckeltal och befattningar. english; Sök. Sök. Sök. Sponsor-logo-Nilorn. Publicerad: 2016-08-15 11:55.