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Research at the Department of Business Studies is concentrated in five sectors in the subject of Business Studies, each lead by a professor. The research activities are based at Campus Ekonomikum in Uppsala and at Campus Gotland in Visby. Digitala Stadsvandringar i rasismens historia i Uppsala Centrum för mångvetenskaplig forskning om rasism (CEMFOR) lanserar digitala stadsvandringar i rasismens historia i Uppsala. 26 mars, kl. 09.15 In several projects we collaborate with the clinics for nuclear medicine, oncology and medical physics at the Uppsala University hospital, as well as with many researches in Sweden and abroad.

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På uppsala.se finns information om kommunens service och verksamheter. Till exempel skola, omsorg, lediga jobb, kultur, fritid, trafik, bygglov och politik. Information om utbildningar, hur man ansöker och hur det är att studera vid Umeå universitet. Securitas är världens ledande partner för intelligenta säkerhets- och trygghetstjänster. Våra lösningar för bevakning, teknisk säkerhet, brandskydd och  How can we help you? search.

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Welcome to our department Welcome to Scandinavian Languages and Campus Engelska parken. We offer around 70 individual courses and two programmes. Most of them require Swedish proficiency, but we also offer courses in Swedish as a second language. Giuliano Di Baldassarre is a Professor of Hydrology and Environmental Analysis at the Department of Earth Sciences of Uppsala University.He is also the Director of the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS), which currently supports about 30 early career scientists (PhD candidates and postdocs in social, engineering and earth science) in three Swedish universities (www.cnds.se).

Uppsala university medarbetarportalen

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Uppsala university medarbetarportalen

Animal Ecology Evolutionary biology Limnology Plant Ecology and Evolution Uppsala University uses cookies to make your website experience as good as possible. Zoom drop-in 2021-03-02 Education continues online 2021-02-03 Available position: Associate Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law 2020-12-03 Stricter general guidelines imposed in Uppsala County 2020-10-21 Grant for research on artificial intelligence in compliance management 2020-10-16 Uppsala University has one of the most comprehensive academic departments of Earth Sciences in Europe, according to international assessments. Its unique width in education and research, and its extensive global fieldwork, contribute to our knowledge about the properties, systems and development of planet Earth. Doctoral studies (studera.nu) In several projects we collaborate with the clinics for nuclear medicine, oncology and medical physics at the Uppsala University hospital, as well as with many researches in Sweden and abroad. Research groups. Anders Ahnesjö – Medical radiation physics ; Marika Nestor – Novel cancer-targeting strategies for improved molecular radiotherapy Keep a look out in the IFSS-group (only open for employees and scholarship holders at Uppsala University) at medarbetarportalen for more information and registration. At the Swedish Public Emploment service you’ll find webinars on for example how … Evolutionary Biology.

Uppsala university medarbetarportalen

Medarbetarportalen – Employee portal Read more about cookies. Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory,  Uppsala universitet är ett brett forskningsuniversitet med stark internationell ställning. Uppgiften är att bedriva forskning och utbildning av högsta kvalitet och att  Detaljerad Medarbetarportalen One Bilder.
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Uppsala university medarbetarportalen

Enter a user ID and password A. If you have forgotten your password, you can order a new one through my profile. User guide available on support website The Staff Portal (Medarbetarportalen) is an intranet for employees at Uppsala University, but it's also available for students and external users. The purpose of the Staff Portal is to provide useful information and a platform for communication for employees and their contacts. Welcome to the support site for the Staff Portal - Medarbetarportalen! Use the left hand menu to find the help pages.

Read more about cookies. OK PhD programme outline. The PhD Programme in Economics comprises 240 ECTS, of which coursework constitutes 105 ECTS and thesis work 135 ECTS.
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Läs en krönika av Pernilla Åsenlöf, professor i fysioterapi, som tipsar om vardagsmotion vid Medarbetarportalen is a website for internal information and services for all university employees. Log on to Medarbetarportalen. All employees can log on to Medarbetarportalen. Enter a user ID and password A. If you have forgotten your password, you can order a new one through my profile. User guide available on support website Uppsala University' s archive; Directory; Start ; Your Employment ; Services and Support ; Research ; Teaching ; Our UU ; Directory ; NavigateServicePortlet NavigateServicePortlet!

Uppsala universitet

The Department has activities at the Rudbeck Laboratory, at BMC and at Uppsala University Hospital. Rudbeck Laboratory Visiting address: Dag Hammarskjölds v 20. BMC Visiting address: Husargatan 3. Uppsala University Hospital Visiting address: Entrance 100/101 The Department of Economics at Uppsala University is a modern economics department particularly strong in the areas of labour economics, macroeconomics, political economics and public economics. Other areas of research include development economics, econometrics, family economics, financial economics and health economics.

OK Matematik i Uppsala. Våra utbildningar fokuserar på såväl matematisk bredd som djup. Institutionens forskning täcker ett stort antal matematiska områden och majoriteten av våra lärare är aktiva forskare med lång undervisningsvana. Medarbetarportalen. Open positions. For international co-workers Uppsala University uses cookies to make your website experience as good as possible.