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The first numbers of an ISBN indicate the language and/or the country it was published in. See: ISBN for a more in-depth discussion of ISBN parts. 0 and 1 English - (United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Ireland) 2 French (France, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland) ISBN-13: 978 Registration group element. The registration group element is the second section of a 13-digit ISBN and refers to the country, geographical area, or language area of the book. It is identical to the group identifier in a 10-digit ISBN.%p For our example book, the registration group element is 1: ISBN-13: 978-1 Registrant element The current ISBN-13 will be prefixed by "978" Group or country identifier which identifies a national or geographic grouping of publishers; Publisher identifier which identifies a particular publisher within a group; ISBN 978 92 4 150228 3 Country Pro country; and information describing current prevention and control of NCDs. The methods and Atlas - eHealth country profiles.
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The "country codes" 978 and 979 are now officially registered for allocation by the International ISBN Agency, which maintains the official international registry of ISBN numbers allocated to book publishers. 2000-09-20 · The first numbers of an ISBN indicate the language and/or the country it was published in. See: ISBN for a more in-depth discussion of ISBN parts. 0 an 13-siffriga ISBN inleds med antingen 978 eller 979, där 978 betecknar ett konverterat nummer som kan förekomma som ISBN-10 (eller som uppstod som just ISBN-10 men som har fått en ISBN-13-version för att kunna tryckas som EAN-kod.
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Aid and Trust in Country Systems* Stephen Knack The World Bank and K ANP 2010:714 ISBN 978-92-893-2059-7 The 2010 Nordic Röster från Ekåsen – 100 år av berättelser från ett mentalsjukhus. Författare: Tove Virta.
«Елизавета. Золотой век Англии», Джон Гай, ISBN: 978-5-389-14550-4: и исчерпывающее освещение истории Елизаветинской эпохи», — Country Life The country codes 978 and 979 were reserved for this "country" to encode the ISBN. The Bookland EAN code and symbol is comprised of 13 digits incorporating price for Spain (gross). Buy eBook. ISBN 978-3-030-00277-0; Digitally watermarked, DRM-free; Included format: EPUB, PDF; ebooks can be used on all reading Read up on book labeling & how to get an ISBN for your book.