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facsimile tamil meaning and more example for facsimile will be given in tamil. The generated EPIC containing hologram and facsimile of Electoral Registration Officers would be laminated and handed over to the voter within an hour of capture of image Mr. Check 'facsimile' translations into Tagalog. Look through examples of facsimile translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. facsimile (făksĭm`əlē) or fax, in communications, system for transmitting pictures or other graphic matter by wire or radio. Facsimile is used to transmit such materials as documents, telegrams, drawings, pictures taken from satellites, and even entire newspapers.

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From the Latin facere simile, which translates to make similar. Technology that enables the transmission of images between paired transmitters and receivers.The transmitting fax scans the image document from top to bottom and from left to right, looking for dots of color -- most machines support only black and white, some systems will also noun. 1 An exact copy, especially of written or printed material. ‘a facsimile of the manuscript’. More example sentences.

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2021-02-28 · a method or device for transmitting documents, drawings, photographs, or the like, by means of radio or telephone for exact reproduction elsewhere. an image transmitted by such a method. (of an image) copied by means of facsimile:facsimile mail. (of a method or device) used to produce a facsimile Prints med antika motiv tryckta på Skeppsholmen i Stockholm.

Facsimile meaning

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Facsimile meaning

Many translated example sentences containing "facsimile" – English-Italian dictionary and search engine for English translations.

Facsimile meaning

**This Bouquet is full price and ready to ship**, Meaning if for any reason you are  It's a kind of liberty and restriction simultaneously, allowing meaning to be changeable and reversible, like a joker. The fiasco of modernism is well understood in  Apparently there is a word for "facsimile"; it's faksimil. Not sure Isn't it a pain going back and forth between various sites to find out the meaning of something❓ 10-nov-2019 - Discover the meaning behind Sailor Jerry's famous old school tattoos from dragon tattoos to classic skull French Emblems: Facsimile Page.
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Facsimile meaning

facsimile meaning: 1.

Noun(1) an exact copy or reproduction(2) duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio.
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copy - a thing made to be similar or identical to another thing; "she made a copy of the designer dress"; "the clone was a copy of its ancestor". 2. facsimile - duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio. facsimile meaning: 1. an exact copy, especially of a document: 2.

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2 : a system of transmitting and reproducing graphic matter (such as printing or still pictures) by means of signals sent over telephone lines Facsimile definition, an exact copy, as of a book, painting, or manuscript. See more. facsimile definition: 1. an exact copy, especially of a document: 2. a fax 3. an exact copy, especially of a document: .

A Book to Die for: HOI BARBAROI A Quarter Century at Barbarian Press For features, the magazines buy one-time print rights and non-exclusive web rights (the magazine appears in facsimile online). Definition of facsimile noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.